This past Sunday, some of the Pittsburgh Restaurant Chef's got together to do a "pot luck" family dinner. This week, it was held at ROOT 174, whose head chef and owner is my friend Keith Fuller. In the picture to the left, you will see me and my friend Bryan from Spoon. We all brought in a dish, along with some wine or other favorite item, and shared with one another. This was such a great way to interact with a lot of the Pittsburgh Restaurant food scene. We are going to try to do this every so often to give us all a chance to unwind and talk about what we love about what we do, and that is FOOD. Here are a few pics from Sunday.
Another thing we have been working hard at this week is BRUNCH. The food has really been looking good. It is served from 10:30 - 2 pm Saturday and Sunday. Here are some pictures of some menu items.
Here are some Pictures of some of our brunch menu items
Post a comment on what you like for brunch!!
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